Potensic Care

Accidents happen, but we've got you covered. With Potensic Care, enjoy hassle-free repair or replacement services for your Potensic Drones, so that you can relax and fully immerse yourself in your adventure.

Plan Term

  • Supported Product

    ATOM 2

    1 Year 2 Years

    * Available in selected regions.

Purchase Process via App

  • Activate the drone,
    and buy in App Potensic Eve.

  • Choose
    Your Country

  • Choose
    Your Plan

  • Complete
    Order Details

  • Submit
    and Pay

  • Connect
    to Your Drone

  • Plan

Claim Process

  • Register Case

  • Pay
    Replacement Fee

  • Send
    Damaged Product Back

  • Receive
    Replacement Product

Customer Notice

*The Potensic Care Plan is only available for ATOM 2 Drone.

1. If you need to purchase the Potensic Care service, please complete the purchase within 48 hours after activating the product. 

2. To ensure that you can fully enjoy the benefits, the version of Potensic Care you select must be consistent with the purchasing region of the Potensic product.

3. The serial number (SN) of Potensic products is important information for using the Potensic Care services. Please keep it secure and do not disclose it to others. If your Potensic product’s SN is stolen due to leakage, you will bear the consequences and responsibilities.

4. If there are unresolved service cases or suspected abnormal service cases under your account, the Potensic Care service you purchased, or associated accounts, such as initiating mass replacements, Potensic reserves the right to restrict your use of Care services, including but not limited to canceling replacements or related service rights for lost drones.

5. By purchasing Potensic Care, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.

Additional Support

  • Protection Plan Enquiry

    Protection Plan Enquiry

    Potensic Care is a reliable protection plan that offers comprehensive coverage for Potensic drones, including accidental damage and natural wear. Contact us with any questions.

    Contact Potensic Support
  • Claim the Service

    Claim the Service

    If you have purchased Potensic Care for your product, you can contact our customer service team to request a replacement service within the coverage period.

    Apply Now
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